Sale price$11.99


DOGGY DAILY BLISS BALLS are 100% natural, made in NZ and full of gut-boosting nutrients like turmeric, coconut and probiotics - all missing in action from most modern dog diets.

Proven natural ingredients:

Date syrup, oats, chia seeds, carob powder, pumpkin seeds, DOGGY DAILY mix, peanut butter (xylitol-free), coconut.

All our ingredients have been carefully selected with the support of vets to ensure they DO NO HARM plus, promote better pet gut health and wellbeing naturally.

Serving guide:

Recommended for dogs 6 months or older. Our new size means more balls in the punnet, approx. 30 per container! Safe to feed alongside other Doggy Daily products.

2 balls per day for dogs >3kg
1 ball per day for dogs <3kg

More reasons to love Doggy Bliss Balls:

  • 100% natural
  • New Zealand made
  • Easy to serve
  • 100% safe
  • Cruelty-free
  • Non-GMO
  • Non-toxic

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